Together we can sustain our world
With your help, our researchers can continue to tackle some of the world’s most pressing problems - such as climate change, food security and ecological biodiversity.
Your donation will help our scientists to:
Study how climate change is occurring and how it will affect us and our environment;Find new ways to make fisheries and aquaculture more productive and sustainable, to feed the world’s growing population; orResearch Southern Ocean and Antarctic ecology, allowing us to better understand and conserve marine mammals, birds and fishNo matter how much you give, you can make a difference.
Smaller donations may be used to purchase geolocation trackers that are tagged to albatrosses or seals to reveal how marine predators forage.
Larger sums could contribute to a PhD student’s scholarship so they can undertake research with our world-leading scientists.
Major donations can fund a significant research project, or enable transformational research in Antarctic and Southern Ocean science.
Please fill in the online form below, or alternatively, you may print and complete the IMAS Donation Form (PDF 134KB).
If you need help with making your gift online, or you would like to discuss your gift, please contact us by phone on +61 3 6226 1920 or via email through
If you are a resident of the United States of America or United Kingdom and would like to claim an IRS tax deduction (USA) or tax efficient gift through Gift Aid (UK), please use the Foundation USA form, or donate via our partner Chapel & York UK Foundation.
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