Save the Maugean Skate

The Maugean skate, an ancient species found only in Tasmania’s Macquarie Harbour, is on the brink of extinction. Environmental changes, pollution, and habitat degradation threaten its survival. 

At the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), researchers are working urgently to monitor populations, study their behavior, and develop strategies to restore their fragile habitat. 

But time is running out. Your support is critical to continue this vital research and protect one of the world’s most endangered marine species. 

Donate today to help save the Maugean skate before it’s too late. 

Please fill in the online form below, or alternatively, you may print and complete the Donation Form (PDF 93 KB).

If you are a resident of the United States of America or United Kingdom and would like to claim an IRS tax deduction (USA) or tax efficient gift through Gift Aid (UK), please use the Foundation USA form, or donate via our partner Chapel & York UK Foundation.

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